180:Fuse Volunteer Highlight – Eden

It’s been a while since we’ve done one of these, but we figured it’s time! We want to take a moment and highlight one of our incredible volunteers. So,  friends, this is Eden! Eden has been volunteering with Global 180 for four years and has become such an integral part of our 180:Fuse events. This past Winter she interned with Global 180 and connected with SO many youth. Eden has an incredible ability to connect with youth, making them feel comfortable, loved and accepted. We are so proud to have Eden part of our Global 180 family. We sent Eden a few questions to answer so you could get to know her as well!
Krysten – “Hey Eden! What’s your favourite food?”
Eden – “I adore chocolate. I could eat it all day every day.”
(this is my kind of friend right here!)
Krysten – “What’s your favourite tv show?”
Eden – “Hmm I don’t watch a ton of TV but I read a book almost every week. One of the best I’ve read recently has been a book by Rachel Hollis called “Girl Wash Your Face” “
(speaking of, check out Rachel Hollis, she will give you awesome motivation!)
Krysten – “Why do you volunteer with G180?”
Eden – “I volunteer with G180 because I love the people and the organization. I have personally seen the impact G180 has had on the community around them and I just want to be a part of that!”
Eden, we love you, we SO value you and we look forward to watching you continue to grow into the incredible youth worker you were created to be!