About Us
Global 180 works with local schools and community agencies to inform and engage youth to take action on the peer, family, and community issues they care about most.
In order to grow, we are looking for high school youth, young adults and adults who would be interested in partnering with Global 180. Join one of our programs and make a difference.
We rely on donors like you to continue our initiatives. Please help by making a one time donation to any of our projects or becoming a regular monthly donor.
180:Fuse has had a significant impact on the climate and culture of our school and their vision is aligned with that of our school and school board, specifically related to creating a welcoming environment for the community. We would therefore like to express our support for 180 Fuse and hope that this program will continue to be offered at our school.
Claire Yorrick
Vice Principal at Dolphin Senior Public School
On a monthly basis, their excellent team members have been instrumental in connecting with students through positive role modelling, interactive games, ice breakers and large and small team events. Each and every student comes away sharing how much fun they had and how glad they are that they have the 180:Fuse events to come too!
Annesia Khan
Former Principal at Dolphin Senior Public School
“[In the Spring of 2016] I was presented with an exciting opportunity to partner with Global 180 to pilot 180:Lift…for a group of…girls at Dolphin… The sessions enhanced their self-esteem, inspired them, and developed friendships and established trust and bonds between each other. I also spoke with parents about the program and they were thankful that their children had the opportunity…to develop personal leadership skills.
Sabina Freemantle
Former Vice Principal at Dolphin Senior Public School
The enthusiasm of our students is evident each week before when every class is visited to provide information on the theme and date of the next 180:Fuse event. I have overheard many students planning with each other to meet at the event and encourage others in their class saying that it is ‘…awesome and fun…’ and that it is the ‘…best and most fun few hours of the month…’
Sabina Freemantle
Former Vice Principal at Dolphin Senior Public School
180:Fuse provides our…students with a monthly opportunity to come together as a community and participate in positive challenges with each other and provides a safe, welcoming, and nurturing environment for our students to thrive in while getting to know each other better. The program’s leaders are positive role models for our students and ensure everyone’s involvement and inclusion.
Sabina Freemantle
Former Vice Principal at Dolphin Senior Public School
As a student 180 Fuse was a special experience to have. It was a great way to hang out with friends after school, play games and do challenges and just have fun. The leaders were always super nice and made you feel super welcome.
Volunteer at our 180:Fuse Events
Fuse has given me a way to see what friendship really means. As a student, I came with friends but I was also given the opportunity to make new ones. Now as a volunteer, I get to see the same thing happening with younger students and it's really exciting.
Volunteer at our 180:Fuse Events
The leadership team became a big part of why I enjoyed being at Merge. I loved getting the opportunity to interact with people, participate in dinner programs, and taking part in Merge activities. I especially loved learning about topics such as forgiveness and experience, which helped me understand and learn about myself and the people around me.
Successful student who completed 180:Merge’s Leadership Program
As a teenager, I've had to face various problems, including family, academics, and mental health. The leadership team has really helped me find my way among these problems and taught me how to tackle life. Its lessons, while simple, are incredibly powerful and still resonate within me to this day.
Successful student who completed 180:Merge’s Leadership Program
Our Funders

Jeremiah F. Coughlan Foundation

Ontario Trillium Foundation

Mississauga Foundation

Region of Peel

The City of Mississauga

Province of Ontario

Service Canada

Private Donors

Bridge 2022 Capital Campaign – HAPPENING NOW
It's that time of the year! Our annual Capital Campaign, Bridge 2022, has launched and will be running from September 28 to October 19. Our goal for this campaign is raise $32,400 over the next three weeks! If we could get 180 people to partner with us at $15 per month over the next year, we could reach that goal. We're so excited to build this "bridge" to the community. Click here for more info

180:Fuse Volunteer Highlight – Eden
It’s been a while since we’ve done one of these, but we figured it’s time! We want to take a moment and highlight one of our incredible volunteers. So, friends, this is Eden! Eden has been volunteering with Global 180 for four years and has become such an integral part of our 180:Fuse events. This past Winter she interned with Global 180 and connected with SO many youth. Eden has an incredible ability to connect

180:Fuse Cancellations
Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 virus and school closures, our upcoming 180:Fuse events on March 28th at Dolphin Senior Public School and April 4th at Erin Mills Middle School have been cancelled. Follow us on Instagram and check back here for updates on future 180:Fuse events!

180:Merge Volunteer Highlight – Daniel
This volunteer highlight features Daniel, one of our fantastic volunteers at 180:Merge, our youth drop-in centre. Hey Daniel, what’s your favourite food? Shawarma Favourite TV Show? The Office Why do you volunteer at 180:Merge? “I choose to volunteer with 180:Merge because it is a place where I feel like I can make an impact. Young students need to have people in their lives outside their family who can motivate them. Being at 180:Merge goes beyond

Summer 2019 Update
It's time to look back on some of the great thing that happened at 180:Merge, 180:Lift, and 180:Fuse over the last year Check out our Summer 2019 Update using the link below! https://mailchi.mp/8e9a6ccb512d/global-180-summer-2019-update